Emergency Services at Face2Face Maxillofacial Surgery Centre: Your Guide to Immediate Care
At Face2Face Maxillofacial Surgery Centre, we understand that emergencies related to oral and facial health can be distressing and...

Safeguarding Your Smile: The Importance of Wisdom Teeth Removal
Unlocking the gateway to optimal oral health often begins with understanding the significance of certain procedures, among which wisdom...

Socket Preservation leads to Smile Preservation
Author: Dr. Robin Gallardi DDS MS FRCDC Dip ABOMS If you suddenly find yourself losing a tooth you may be wondering about the effects of...

Six Benefits of Dental Implants
People are living longer than ever, and while regular brushing, flossing, and checkups allow many of us to maintain our natural smiles...

What a Headache! - Using Botox for Migraines.
Author: Dr. Andrew Kalin MD Do you suffer from headaches? You’re not alone, 3.3 million Americans suffer with chronic migraine annually....

How will my pain be controlled after my surgery?
Author : Dr. Andrew Kalin MD Both the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) have...

Painful Facial Rash- Shingles?
Author: Dr. Andrew Kalin MD According to the CDC “More than 99% of Americans born before 1980 have had chicken pox even if they don’t...

Can I have Sedation for my Surgery?
Author: Dr. Robin Gallardi DDS MS FRCDC Dip ABOMS Safe, Effective Sedation and Anesthesia at Face2Face Surgery Centre Patient safety and...

Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a condition where the bones of the jaw do not heal properly and portions of the bone can be lost. ...

COVID -19 Vaccination and Surgery
Thankfully many of our patients have had the opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID -19. Many Still have questions about whether it...